
family photo
With my fam­i­ly grow­ing up:
I’m on the right side top of the photo.
Columbine, the Col­orado state flower

Karen Koepcke Morgan

I was born and raised in Min­neapo­lis, Min­neso­ta. I had an amaz­ing child­hood with a great fam­i­ly (Mom, Dad, sis­ter and broth­er) and won­der­ful friends. After one semes­ter at a col­lege in Wis­con­sin, I moved to Den­ver Col­orado where I attend­ed art school in the Capi­tol Hill area. Den­ver is where I met my hus­band Pat. We have been mar­ried for many years. We have two grown chil­dren (Jes­si­ca and Bryan), their spous­es (Dave and Kai­lyn), and two grand-dogs (Boomer and Mil­lie) to dote on as they live less than an hour away.

In my writ­ing, I like to encour­age curios­i­ty and pro­vide a place for kids to learn in a fun and engag­ing way. When research­ing for the books I write, I find that I learn cool stuff too!

I love read­ing (no sur­prise there), writ­ing, craft­ing, hik­ing, bik­ing, and ski­ing … espe­cial­ly if these hob­bies include my fam­i­ly and friends. I also like to cook and bake often­times using passed-down fam­i­ly recipes.

I live in the woods near the foothills of the moun­tains, so get­ting out into nature is acces­si­ble and some­thing I look for­ward to dai­ly. See­ing wildlife on my ven­tures is the icing on the cake. I feel for­tu­nate to have seen moun­tain goats, bears, moose, elk, a bob­cat, ante­lope, bison, big horn sheep, and lots of deer and oth­er small­er mam­mals along with many dif­fer­ent kinds of birds. Mag­pies and stel­lar jays hang around our yard look­ing for unsalt­ed peanuts in the shell … which some­times they get if they squawk loud enough.

After work­ing at a news­pa­per for a decade and own­ing two busi­ness­es with my hus­band, I now like to spend my time writ­ing and trav­el­ing along with all the hob­bies above.

Oh, cross­word puz­zles are fun too … but only if they aren’t super hard.

See For the Press for more pho­tos and a short bio suit­able for conferences.

Me (in pur­ple) with my fam­i­ly now
Rocky Mountain buddy
A Rocky Moun­tain buddy