
Can You Hide Like a Chameleon?

Karen Keopcke Mor­gan
illus­trat­ed by Nelke Roose
Clavis, April 22, 2025
ISBN  979–8‑890–63062‑9

Could You? Some Do! series

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Verstop jij je beter dan een kameleon?
also avail­able in Dutch

Can You Hide Like a Chameleon?

Fun Facts about Extraordinary Animals and Plants

Could you take a nap while stand­ing? Or taste with your feet? Ani­mals and plants can do count­less remark­able things that peo­ple could nev­er do.

With­in these pages, you’ll learn about ani­mals and plant species and their extra­or­di­nary abil­i­ties: moun­tain goats, starfish, chameleons, armadil­los, hors­es, chee­tahs, giant anteaters, house­flies, sharks, oak trees, and algae.